Ocean Commotion: Volunteer Information

Ocean Commotion

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Volunteer Information

Louisiana Sea Grants hosts interactive exhibits provided by LSU researchers and public and private organizations. These exhibits will have interactive and/or hands-on minds-on activities that are appropriate for K-8 students. The primary purpose of these exhibits is to give students the chance to learn about and touch the products of the sea and coast such as aquatic animals, plants, and minerals. We hope that students will take home an expanded appreciation of the importance of the aquatic environment and the need to conserve its resources.

Volunteers are needed for:

  • Setting up and decorating
  • Parking assistance and bathroom monitors
  • Escorting school groups upon arrival, to and from parking lot to check in
  • Helping exhibitors set up and dismantle their booths and assisting with some exhibits
  • Serving as a “floater” by monitoring to prevent kids from running, and periodically checking the restrooms for loitering or lost children.
  • Breaking down and cleanup

These tasks vary with time slots, ranging from set-up the day before the event and most of the day of the event (7 a.m. until 3 p.m.). A few volunteers are needed for setup, but more are needed to help the day of the event — Friday, November 1.

Please volunteer to be a part of this educational event. It’s fun!

Volunteers must sign up in advance to help us plan properly. In order to receive credit for hours of service, volunteers must also report to the Volunteer Table on the PMAC concourse to sign in before service and after their tasks are completed to sign out. Thank you for your time and consideration. We hope to see you there!

For volunteer related questions about Ocean Commotion, contact sgvolunteers@lsu.edu .