Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
About UROP | FAQs | Funded Projects | Application | Contact
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to apply?
An application from any faculty mentor of full-time undergraduate students at any Louisiana college or university is eligible. UROP projects usually require some science background. For this reason, junior- and senior-level students may be better prepared to conduct research projects.
What kinds of projects are funded?
Funding is provided through the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, which addresses marine and coastal resource issues through research, outreach, education, and technology transfer. Previously funded projects have dealt with topics such as coastal ecology, fisheries, aquaculture, environmental engineering, and genetics.
How much money does a typical project receive?
All projects must be completed during the March to December research period; you may use any part or all of this time to complete your project. Total funding up to $3,000 can be applied as student wages, travel, and supplies. Both student wages and academic credit may be earned concurrently if the regulations of your institution allow this practice. Supplies are expendable items necessary for the project; boat and vehicle rental are not covered by UROP.
When should I apply?
Applications are accepted now through December 10 for projects starting March 2022. Visit the UROP Application webpage for full details.
What are the requirements at project completion?
A written final report of research accomplishments and findings developed by the student in collaboration with their faculty mentor is required. The UROP final report should include the following: Title page (with authors and date), abstract, introduction, methods and results – i.e., the typical scientific reporting or publishing format. The results section should include the significance of the research, considering not only the scientific value but societal implications as well. We will accept peer-reviewed papers or theses. Since the peer review process takes time, submit a preliminary report and then follow-up when your publication is accepted to a journal. We do not accept posters as a fulfillment of UROP report requirements. Included in the report should be abstract, methods, results, and discussion sections. Students are encouraged to present their findings at university forums in addition to state, regional, national and international conferences. Publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals is also encouraged. Louisiana Sea Grant may provide limited travel funds to UROP students to attend these events should a student’s abstract be accepted for presentation.

UROP recipient Quoc Trung (Anthony) Nguyen stands with his poster at LSU Discover Research Day.